what is atman

what is atman

1 year ago 52

Atman is a Sanskrit word that refers to the true or eternal self or the self-existent essence of each individual, as distinct from ego, mind, and embodied existence. It is one of the most basic concepts in Hinduism, and it is considered the universal self, identical with the eternal core of the personality that either transmigrates to a new life or attains release (moksha) from the bonds of existence. Here are some key points about Atman:

  • Atman is the innermost essence of human beings, the observing pure consciousness or witness-consciousness as exemplified by the Purusha of Samkhya.

  • It is often translated as "soul," but it is better translated as "self".

  • Atman is eternal, imperishable, beyond time, and not the same as body or mind or consciousness, but something beyond which permeates all these.

  • Atman is the unchanging, eternal, innermost radiant self that is unaffected by personality, unaffected by ego.

  • Atman is part of the universal Brahman, with which it can commune or even fuse.

  • The body is compared to a vehicle, and the soul to the driver. A car cannot run without a driver. Similarly, the body will not work without the presence of the soul.

  • Practices such as yoga and meditation can help to increase Atma Jnana, a form of self-awareness or self-knowledge that lifts the veil of ignorance and relieves practitioners of suffering.

In summary, Atman is the true self or the self-existent essence of each individual, which is eternal, imperishable, and beyond time. It is part of the universal Brahman and is considered the innermost essence of human beings.

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