Autoimmune encephalitis is a type of encephalitis, which is an inflammation of the brain. It is one of the most common causes of noninfectious encephalitis and can be triggered by tumors, infections, or it may be cryptogenic. Autoimmune encephalitis is a collection of related conditions in which the bodys immune system attacks the brain, causing inflammation. The immune system produces substances called antibodies that mistakenly attack brain cells. Like multiple sclerosis, the disease can be progressive (worsening over time) or relapsing-remitting (with alternating flare-ups and periods of recovery) . Autoimmune encephalitis has many subtypes that depend on the antibodies present. The most commonly studied subtype of autoimmune encephalitis is Anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (anti-NMDA) encephalitis.
Autoimmune encephalitis can cause a variety of symptoms, including neurological and psychiatric problems. Symptoms often vary from patient to patient and can include a sudden decline in work or school performance, loss of the ability to speak, abnormal body movements or seizures, vision loss, weakness of the arms or legs, and sleep problems. Psychiatric manifestations can range from anxiety and mood changes to psychosis with hallucinations, delusions, or catatonia.
Diagnosis of autoimmune encephalitis requires a thorough evaluation by a multidisciplinary healthcare team made up of rheumatologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, and other specialists. Diagnosis requires ruling out other causes and may involve tests such as an MRI that shows signs of brain inflammation, a high white blood cell count in the cerebrospinal fluid, and seizures that can’t be explained by other conditions.
Early treatment of autoimmune encephalitis can greatly reduce symptoms and reduce the chances of long-term complications. Treatments may include immunotherapy, such as steroids, intravenous immunoglobulin, or plasma exchange, and medications to suppress the immune system. The goal is to better treat the acute phase of the disease to promote faster and more complete recovery.