what is avive mining

what is avive mining

1 year ago 115

Avive Mining is the staking mechanism of the Avive platform. Avive is a social platform that has created an innovative Proof of Networking (PoN) protocol that is more decentralized than traditional PoS. Avive Mining allows users to earn AVV tokens by staking their tokens on the platform. AVV is the native cryptocurrency of the Avive platform and is used for transactions and governance. Unlike traditional PoS, Avive Mining rewards users for their social connections and engagement, making it more inclusive and democratic. The platform uses a smart contract to verify users’ social connections and activity before allowing them to participate in staking. This creates a more meritocratic system, where users are rewarded based on their social relationships and activity. The Avive Mining app is available on Google Play and is a guide for those who want to mine crypto in Avive world.

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