what is balloons drug

what is balloons drug

1 year ago 103

Balloons drug is a term used to refer to nitrous oxide, which is a colorless gas sold in canisters. It is usually inhaled using a balloon. Nitrous oxide is also known as laughing gas, NOS, nangs, whippet, hippy crack, buzz bomb, among other names. Inhaling nitrous oxide produces a rapid rush of euphoria and a feeling of floating or excitement for a short period of time. However, inhaling too much nitrous oxide can make you faint, lose consciousness, or suffocate. The recreational use of nitrous oxide is on the rise in Europe among young people, and it is sold in compact, inexpensive cartridges online or in supermarkets. To reduce the risks associated with misusing nitrous oxide, it is important not to use it alone or in dangerous or isolated places, put plastic bags over your head or restrict breathing, or spray near flammable substances, such as naked flames or cigarettes.

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