what is band 3 housing

what is band 3 housing

1 year ago 34

Band 3 housing is a term used in the UK to describe a low priority group of applicants for social housing. The housing allocation policies of different local authorities may vary slightly, but generally, Band 3 applicants are those who have a low housing need. Examples of Band 3 applicants include people who are employed on a low income and lack one bedroom, people who need to move due to less severe medical problems than those in Bands 1 and 2, and those who want to move but have no housing need or local connection.

The housing need bands are used to prioritize applications for social housing. The bands reflect how urgently an applicant needs to move. Band 1 is for applicants with a severe or emergency need for rehousing, while Band 5 is for applicants who are suitably housed. The specific criteria for each band may vary depending on the local authority.

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