Batch processing is a method of running high-volume, repetitive data jobs automatically. It is a technique for automating and processing multiple transactions as a single group. Batch processing allows users to process data when computing resources are available, and with little or no user interaction. It is particularly suited for handling frequent, repetitive tasks such as accounting processes.
Batch processing is used because it requires minimal human interaction and makes repetitive tasks more efficient to run. Organizations use batch processing to minimize human error, increase speed and accuracy, and reduce costs with automation. Modern batch processing also requires minimal human supervision or management.
During the batch window, the batch processing system uses the batch size to process the data. Batches may automatically be run at scheduled times as well as being run contingent on the availability of computer resources. The software identifies exceptions through a system of monitors and dependencies, which causes the batch processing to start.
Batch processing has become common because it provides several advantages to enterprise data management. Some of the advantages of batch processing include:
Efficiency: Batch processing allows a company to process jobs when computing or other resources are readily available. Companies can prioritize time-sensitive jobs and schedule batch processes for those which are not as urgent. In addition, batch systems can run offline to minimize stress on processors.
Simplicity: Batch processing is a relatively simple and inexpensive solution that helps businesses save money and time. Without the possibility of user error, batch processes are completed in the most efficient way possible.
Lower Cost: Because batch processing does not need Data Entry clerks to support its functioning, it helps to reduce the operational costs that businesses spend on labor. It also doesn’t require any additional hardware to function, outside of a computer.
In summary, batch processing is a method of running high-volume, repetitive data jobs automatically with minimal human interaction. It is particularly suited for handling frequent, repetitive tasks such as accounting processes. Batch processing provides several advantages to enterprise data management, including efficiency, simplicity, and lower cost.