what is battery acid used for

what is battery acid used for

1 year ago 34

Battery acid is a solution of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) in water that serves as the conductive medium within batteries. It is used in lead-acid batteries, which are rechargeable batteries commonly found in vehicles, emergency lighting systems, and backup power supplies. Battery acid facilitates the exchange of ions between the battery’s anode and cathode, allowing for energy storage and discharge. The following are some of the uses of battery acid:

  • In lead-acid batteries: Battery acid is used in lead-acid batteries to convert stored chemical energy into electrical energy.

  • In emergency lighting and backup power supplies: Lead-acid batteries are used in emergency lighting and to power sump pumps in case of power failure. Valve-regulated lead–acid batteries are used in back-up power supplies for alarm and smaller computer systems.

  • In golf carts and other battery electric vehicles: Traction (propulsion) batteries are used in golf carts and other battery electric vehicles.

  • In home chemistry and industrial uses: Battery acid can be used in a wide variety of home chemistry and industrial uses.

It is important to handle battery acid with caution as it is highly corrosive and can cause severe chemical burns. It is illegal to dispose of lead-acid batteries in the garbage, and they must be recycled.

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