what is bed course

what is bed course

1 year ago 32

A bed course is not a commonly known term. However, there are several search results for "B.Ed." which stands for Bachelor of Education. B.Ed. is an undergraduate professional degree that prepares students for work as a teacher in schools. The B.Ed. degree is designed to provide students with the competencies required to achieve state teaching licensure, so they can pursue a wide range of job opportunities upon graduation. The curriculum of the B.Ed. course is designed to make the candidates acquainted with all the aspects that they will have to face in their profession. The B.Ed. program is a set of various theory courses and practical work that are linked together meaningfully aiming at achieving excellence and competence in pedagogic practices and enabling the teacher-trainees to become efficient and effective school teachers. To pursue a B.Ed. course, applicants must have a bachelor’s degree with a 50% minimum equivalent mark in the last qualifying examination.

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