what is beta glucan

what is beta glucan

1 year ago 35

Beta-glucan is a type of soluble fiber that is found naturally in the cell walls of certain plants, bacteria, fungi, and yeasts. It is a glucose polymer that has been studied extensively for its numerous health benefits, including its ability to lower cholesterol levels, improve blood sugar management, boost immunity, and decrease inflammation. Beta-glucans are most commonly found in grains such as oats, barley, and rye, as well as in certain mushrooms and bakers yeast.

Beta-glucans have been used for centuries for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, but their specific role was not explored until the 20th century. They are most commonly used for heart disease and high cholesterol, but have also been studied for their potential benefits in cancer treatment and prevention, as well as for their effects on diabetes and skin health.

Beta-glucans have different physicochemical properties depending on their source, and the frequency, location, and length of their side-chains may play a role in immunomodulation. The most common forms of beta-glucans are those comprising D-glucose units with beta-1,3 links, and yeast and fungal beta-glucans contain 1-6 side branches, while cereal beta-glucans contain both beta-1,3 and beta-1,4 backbone bonds.

Beta-glucans are commonly consumed in foods, and taking larger amounts of beta-glucans as medicine is possibly safe for up to 8-12 weeks. However, some types of beta-glucans may not be safe to take if you have certain health conditions, such as AIDS, diabetes, or high blood pressure. It is important to talk to a doctor before taking beta-glucan supplements.

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