what is bima premium bank of india

what is bima premium bank of india

1 year ago 45

Bima Premium Bank of India is not a known term or entity. However, there are several social security schemes offered by Bank of India, a public sector bank in India, that have the word "Bima" in their names. These schemes are offered in collaboration with the Indian government and are aimed at providing life and accident insurance coverage to individuals in India. The two schemes offered by Bank of India are:

  1. Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY): This scheme offers a life insurance cover of Rs. 2 lakhs in case of death or disability due to an accident. In case of partial disability, the cover is Rs. 1 lakh. The premium for this scheme is Rs. 20 per annum and is deducted from the account holders bank account through auto-debit facility in one installment).

  2. Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY): This scheme offers a one-year term life insurance cover that is renewable from year to year. The scheme provides life insurance coverage for death due to any reason. The premium for this scheme is Rs. 330 per annum and is also deducted from the account holders bank account through auto-debit facility in one installment.

It is important to note that Bank of India is not referred to as "Bima Premium Bank of India" in any of the search results.

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