what is binge drinking

what is binge drinking

1 year ago 31

Binge drinking is a pattern of heavy alcohol use over a short period of time. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) defines binge drinking as a pattern of drinking alcohol that brings blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to 0.08 percent or higher, which corresponds to consuming 5 or more drinks (male), or 4 or more drinks (female), in about 2 hours. Binge drinking is the most common and costly pattern of excessive alcohol use in the United States.

Binge drinking carries certain risks, including acute harm such as blackouts, overdoses, and unsafe sexual behavior. It also increases the risk of serious injuries and diseases, such as falls, burns, drownings, and car crashes. Even one episode of binge drinking can compromise the function of the immune system and lead to acute pancreatitis in individuals with underlying pancreatic damage.

Binge drinking is most common among younger adults aged 18-34, men, and people with higher household incomes ($75,000 or more), who are non-Hispanic White, or live in the Midwest. However, anyone can engage in binge drinking, and it is harmful on its own.

Binge drinking can have short-term effects such as poor motor control, dehydration, sleepiness, depression, hostility, low blood pressure, and slower breathing. It can also have long-term effects such as memory problems in young adults, heart attacks, strokes, risky sexual behavior, sexually transmitted diseases, and victimization of sexual violence. Binge drinking can also lead to alcohol poisoning, which is the most life-threatening consequence of binge drinking.

People might engage in binge drinking because of peer pressure, to have fun, to cope with stress, or to fit in with a social scene. However, binge drinking can have negative consequences such as poor academic performance, disrupted sleep patterns, and loss of friendships.

In conclusion, binge drinking is a pattern of heavy alcohol use over a short period of time that carries certain risks and can have negative consequences. It is important to be aware of the risks and to drink responsibly.

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