what is blended process

what is blended process

1 year ago 34

A blended process can refer to different things depending on the context. Here are some examples:

  • Blended process in call center: In the call center industry, a blended process refers to a combination of voice and non-voice processes. This means that agents can handle customer queries through calls, live chats, or emails simultaneously.

  • Blending process in manufacturing: In manufacturing, blending process is a significant stage that helps processing sites to convert low-value raw materials to higher added-value products. This involves combining different components, such as gasoline blendstocks, to create a final product.

  • Blended business process: A blended business process is a service that utilizes both voice support and supplementary information systems to communicate with clients and customers. This can include email, live chat, or other communication channels.

In general, a blended process involves combining two or more elements to create a final product or service.

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