what is blue water policy

what is blue water policy

1 year ago 33

The Blue Water Policy was introduced by Francisco De Almeida, the first Portuguese governor of India. The policy was to maintain supremacy on the sea and confine Portuguese activities to purely commercial transactions instead of establishing a territorial empire in India. The policy aimed to make Portugal a powerful nation in the maritime region. The key features of the Blue Water Policy are:

  • Supremacy at sea: The Portuguese aimed to be powerful at sea instead of building forts on Indian land.

  • Commercial transactions: The Portuguese wanted to confine their activities to purely commercial transactions.

  • Maritime dominance: The Portuguese wanted to become the master of the Indian Ocean.

The Blue Water Policy had several implications in India. Francisco De Almeida wanted to create Portugal as a powerful nation in the maritime region under this strategy. He took control of Goa from the Sultan of Bijapur, and later, Goa became the headquarters of Portuguese settlements in India. The Navy’s dominance and control over the coastal regions helped to build the Portuguese in India.

In summary, the Blue Water Policy was a strategy introduced by Francisco De Almeida to maintain Portuguese supremacy at sea and confine their activities to purely commercial transactions instead of establishing a territorial empire in India. The policy aimed to make Portugal a powerful nation in the maritime region.

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