Body doubling is a productivity strategy used by individuals with ADHD to finish tasks that they might otherwise find challenging. It involves having another person around when you need to do something youre having difficulty getting started or focusing on. This person is called the "body double" and can be a friend, family member, or acquaintance who works alongside you, either in person or virtually, as you complete a task. The body doubles role is to keep the individual with ADHD focused on the task at hand to reduce potential distractions. The mere presence of a body double can soothe the anxious mind of a person with symptoms of hyperactivity and model attentive, focused work. Body doubling can be helpful for those with ADHD because it forces them to choose a specific project, set aside a specific time to do the work, and be accountable to another person. Body doubling is a support activity for ADHD that can be easy to do and cost-free. It can also be used by anyone who needs help staying focused and motivated while working on a task.