what is boosting in apex

what is boosting in apex

1 year ago 39

Boosting in Apex Legends refers to the practice of paying someone to help you achieve a specific goal in-game, such as obtaining a certain badge or rank. Boosting can be done in two ways:

  • Account Boosting: This is the most common form of boosting, where a skilled player is paid to rank up another players account. The booster can either play on the players account or play with them, "carrying" them to the desired rank or badge.

  • RP Boosting: This is a form of regular boosting where players team up with lower-ranked players to get around the tier limit and reach higher ranks. This is done by exploiting bugs and glitches in the game.

Boosting is considered cheating and is against the terms of service of Apex Legends. Respawn Entertainment, the developer of the game, has taken measures to combat boosting, including banning players who engage in boosting and setting up a security team to deal with it. Players can report boosters by sending a ticket with the EAC report form or by sending the information to RSPN_Hideouts.

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