Boosting is a slang term that has multiple meanings depending on the context. Here are the different meanings of boosting according to the search results:
Stealing: Boosting can refer to stealing, especially shoplifting. It can also be used to describe the act of stealing from a store, as in the case of a woman who "boosted" from Sears.
Lying: In Detroit slang, boosting can mean lying or trying to make people believe your lies.
Cheating in gaming: Boosting can also refer to cheating in gaming, specifically in Call of Duty, where players intentionally kill each other to "boost" their kill statistics.
Promoting: In some contexts, boosting can mean promoting or praising something or someone, especially ones own town or city.
In summary, boosting is a slang term that can have different meanings depending on the context. It can refer to stealing, lying, cheating in gaming, or promoting something or someone.