what is bottom surgery

what is bottom surgery

1 year ago 43

Bottom surgery refers to plastic surgical procedures performed on the genitals to give a person a look that matches their gender identity. It is also known as gender affirmation surgery, genital reconstructive surgery, or gender confirmation surgery. The specific procedures involved in bottom surgery depend on the individuals needs, preferences, and goals. Here are some examples of the procedures involved in bottom surgery:

  • Transfeminine bottom surgery: This involves reconstructing the male genitalia into female genitalia. The most common technique used is penile inversion vaginoplasty.

  • Transmasculine bottom surgery: This involves creating a penis and urethra, and may also involve removal of the uterus and vagina.

Bottom surgery is considered major surgery and requires a significant amount of recovery time. The recovery time depends on the type of surgery performed. The total cost of bottom surgery includes charges for the surgeon, anesthesiologist, hospital stay, medications, and supplies to care for surgical wounds while recovering. The cost of bottom surgery varies depending on the type of surgery and location, but in general, it can range from $6,400 to $24,900 for FTM bottom surgery and around $25,000 for MTF bottom surgery. In some countries, such as Canada and the UK, bottom surgery is covered under nationalized healthcare, while in the US, some companies follow the Human Rights Campaign Foundations standards for its Equality Index, or some states require insurers to cover transgender care.

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