what is boy math

what is boy math

1 year ago 42

"Boy math" is a viral trend on TikTok and other social media platforms where women share examples of mens hypocritical habits and behaviors. It is a response to the "girl math" trend that went viral last month, which was all about women mocking their bizarre shopping logic light-heartedly. "Boy math" is not necessarily about financial decisions or how men spend their money, but rather it is centered on joking about some of mens most ridiculous habits and attitudes or their hypocrisy. Some examples of "boy math" include men embellishing the truth about their height, being afraid of gold diggers when they only have a few pairs of socks, and wanting a traditional woman who pays bills. While some posts reference actual math, most are just silly, and some have more of a saucy tone taking aim at problematic behaviors. The trend is mainly spearheaded by female creators, and it has gained popularity with millions of views and likes on social media platforms.

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