what is braille script for class 3

what is braille script for class 3

1 year ago 55

Braille script is a special way of reading and writing for blind people. It is a tactile reading system that was invented in France in the mid-1800s by Louis Braille, who himself was visually challenged. Braille script is based on a six-point foundation, and it consists of a row of raised dots on thick paper. The script is written on a thick paper by making a row of raised dots with a pointed tool. People who cannot see run their fingers on the raised dots to read. There are three grades of Braille script, with Grade 1 being the letter-for-letter substitution of its printed counterpart, and Grade 2 using “contractions” that substitute shorter sequences for the full spelling of commonly-occurring letter groups. Grade 3 Braille is the last and least used form of literary Braille code used within the blind community, and it often compresses entire words into just one or a few characters.

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