what is brp card

what is brp card

1 year ago 91

A biometric residence permit (BRP) is a card that can be used to confirm your identity, right to study, and right to any public services or benefits youre entitled to. It includes your name, date and place of birth, fingerprints, photo of your face, immigration status, and any conditions of your stay. BRPs are different from biometric residence cards (BRCs), which are also called 'UK residence cards' and are issued to family members of someone from the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, or Liechtenstein.

You can apply for a BRP to replace the visa or wet ink stamp in your passport or travel document. If you apply for a BRP, you will not get one if you use the 'UK Immigration: ID Check' app to prove your identity when applying to stay in the UK. You may be eligible to get a BRP under the Windrush Scheme if you're a Commonwealth citizen and do not have the documents to prove your right to stay in the UK.

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