what is brp in uk

what is brp in uk

1 year ago 100

A Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) is a document issued by the Home Office in the UK that shows evidence of the holders immigration permissions. It is an 86mm x 54mm polycarbonate card containing a chip to make it more secure against forgery and abuse. A BRP can be used to confirm the holder's identity, right to study, and right to any public services or benefits they are entitled to. However, it cannot be used to confirm the right to work or rent, which must be proven online. A BRP is usually issued to those who apply to come to the UK for longer than 6 months, extend their visa to longer than 6 months, apply to settle in the UK, transfer their visa to a new passport, or apply for certain Home Office travel documents. BRPs are different from biometric residence cards (BRCs), which are also called "UK residence cards" and are issued to family members of someone from the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, or Liechtenstein. The length of time that a BRP remains valid depends on the type of visa the holder has or is applying for, and the date that it was granted. Typically, BRPs last for 10 years, but for recent visa applications, this is changing, and new BRPs should be set to expire on December 31, 2024, due to new regulations regarding processes for registering biometric data. However, UKVI is in the process of phasing out BRPs and hopes to do this by January 1, 2025. From this date, individuals will be able to prove their immigration status online without needing a BRP.

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