The Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) is a critical error screen displayed by the Microsoft Windows operating system when it encounters a critical system error and can no longer operate safely. It is also known as a "Stop error" and is a most unwanted error, second only to malware or ransomware in indicating system problems. The BSOD is usually caused by either hardware communication problems or corrupted files, but the precise cause can be diagnosed via the Windows error code. The error can be triggered by software problems, such as incompatible driver updates, or hardware problems, like a hard drive that needs formatting or overheating caused by overclocking your CPU. When a BSOD occurs, a computer stops running for its own protection to prevent a catastrophic hardware failure or damage to devices, while creating a memory dump file and writing it to disk. Users then must reset their systems to restart Windows. When a computer restarts after receiving a BSOD, it goes through an automatic troubleshooting and repair process. However, if Windows cant repair the issue, users can try to troubleshoot on their own.