Bunion surgery is a procedure done to reduce pain and correct the deformity caused by a bunion, which is an enlargement of the bone or tissue around a joint at the base of the big toe or at the base of the little toe. The surgery is not cosmetic and is not meant to improve the appearance of the foot. Before surgery is considered, healthcare providers may recommend first wearing comfortable, well-fitting footwear, particularly shoes that conform to the shape of the foot and do not cause pressure areas. They may also suggest using splints and orthotics (special shoe inserts shaped to your feet) to reposition the big toe and/or provide padding. For bunions caused by arthritis, medicines may help reduce pain and swelling.
If these treatments dont help, healthcare providers may suggest surgery. The goal of surgery is to relieve pain and correct as much deformity as possible. There are different types of surgeries to correct a bunion, and the most common goal is to realign the joint, correct the deformity, and relieve pain and discomfort. The types of bunion surgery include:
Exostectomy: During this surgery, the surgeon shaves off the bunion. Often, healthcare providers combine this approach with osteotomy to reposition the toe. This procedure is rarely done and in only the most minor bunions.
Osteotomy: The surgeon makes a few small incisions in the bones. Then the surgeon uses screws or pins to realign the big toe joint. This is the most commonly performed procedure for bunions.
Arthrodesis: In this procedure, the doctor removes the arthritic joint surfaces, then inserts screws, wires, or plates to hold the surfaces together until the bones heal. This surgery is only done with the most severe of bunions.
Chevron osteotomy: This procedure is usually recommended for mild to moderate bunion deformities. During this procedure, the surgeon makes an incision over the big toe, removes the bunion using a surgical saw, makes a V-shaped cut on the metatarsal bone of the big toe, and moves the bones to bring the toe into its normal position.
Bunion surgery is usually recommended for people whose daily lives are affected by pain and difficulty wearing shoes even after trying wider, more comfortable footwear. In general, if the bunion is not painful, surgery is not necessary. Although bunions often get bigger over time, doctors do not recommend surgery to prevent bunions from worsening. Many people can slow the progression of a bunion with proper shoes and other preventive care, and the bunion never causes pain or other problems. The surgery itself is not painful, and a local anesthetic will b...