Career planning is the process of making decisions about what one wants to do with their life and how they will accomplish it. It involves identifying ones skills, talents, values, and interests and exploring how they translate into possible jobs or careers. Career planning is an ongoing process that should be assessed continuously. It is a subset of career management, which is the combination of structured planning and active management of ones own professional career. The process of career planning involves self-evaluation, research, exploration, experimentation, decision making, goal setting, problem solving, and action planning. The benefits of career planning include increasing the chances of completing ones education and getting the desired job, taking control over ones career, and adjusting plans to help accomplish career goals or pivot to new ones. Career planning can involve assessment tests, professional coaching, educational programs, and occupational training. As an employer, it is important to give employees all the tools they need for career planning to help them explore their career options and learn the skills they need to keep growing.