what is cast discrimination

what is cast discrimination

1 year ago 33

Caste discrimination is a form of discrimination based on the social hierarchy determined by a persons birth. It is a practice that is prevalent in South Asia, particularly in India, but also affects an estimated 260 million people worldwide, including Africa, other parts of Asia, the Middle East, the Pacific, and diaspora communities. The caste system in India has its origins in ancient India and was transformed by various ruling elites in the history of India, especially during the Mughal Empire and the British Raj. The caste system is divided into thousands of castes and sub-castes, each related to a specific occupation. The discriminatory practices of the caste system are prohibited by law in India, but the system continues to be practiced in parts of India.

Caste discrimination involves massive violations of civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights. Caste-affected communities are denied a life in dignity and equality. According to a comprehensive UN study on discrimination based on work and descent, a number of human rights violations occur in relation to caste discrimination, including the right to physical security and life, the right to be free from violence, and the right to equal political participation.

Caste-based discrimination is sometimes applied to non-Hindus, including Tamil Christian and Muslim converts, and members of other minority groups. The subcommissions working paper on work and descent-based discrimination noted that the laws are there, but there is a clear lack of will on the part of law enforcement officers to take action owing to caste prejudice on their part or deference shown to higher-caste perpetrators. Although constitutional guarantees and other national legislation banning caste discrimination suggest that various governments have successfully tackled caste-related violations, much of the legislation remains unenforced.

Caste discrimination persists within the Indian diaspora. For example, Dalit people in the United States report experiencing discrimination and violence. In 2020, the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing initiated a lawsuit against Cisco and two of its employees for alleged discrimination against an Indian engineer because he was from a lower caste than them. The bill defines caste as “an individual’s perceived position in a system of social stratification on the basis of inherited status”, which can be determined by several factors including the “inability or restricted ability to alter inherited status; socially enforced restrictions on marriage, private and public segregation, and discrimination.

In conclusion, caste discrimination is a form of discrimination based on the social hierarchy determined by a persons birth, which involves massive violations of civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights. Although constitutional guarantees and other national legislation banning caste discrimination suggest that various governments have successfully tackled caste-related violations, much of the legislation remains unenf...

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