Cat grass is a type of grass that is grown specifically for cats, usually indoors. It is not a specific kind of plant, but a grass mixture that is grown from seeds such as wheat, barley, oats, or rye. Cat grass can be grown in a dish from which the cat chews the grass directly, or it can be added to cat food. The most common benefit of cat grass is to aid the passing of hairballs. Although cats may display exuberant behavior when confronted with the grass, it has no pharmaceutical influence.
Cat grass is safe for cats to eat and is a natural behavior for all cats. Many cats enjoy the feeling of chewing on grasses, but cat grass may also provide benefits that their carnivore diets lack. For example, cat grass contains folic acid, which helps with the production of hemoglobin, the protein that moves oxygen into the blood to help with circulation. It also contains chlorophyll, which can help with breath cleansing.
Cat grass is relatively easy to grow indoors, and there are many different types of grass that can be used, including wheatgrass, oatgrass, rye grass, and barley grass. It is important to note that cat grass is not the same as catnip, which produces a euphoric, behavioral effect in cats. Cat grass is packed with antioxidants, chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that promote cat health, plus fiber to support digestion.
In summary, cat grass is a type of grass that is grown specifically for cats, usually indoors. It is safe for cats to eat and can provide many health benefits, including aiding in the passing of hairballs and providing essential nutrients that promote healthy development in cats.