what is cat s

what is cat s

1 year ago 53

Cat S is a category used to classify vehicles that have been involved in an incident resulting in an insurance claim significant enough for the car to be written off as being beyond economic repair. Specifically, Cat S write-offs have suffered damage to structural areas of the vehicle such as the chassis or crumple zones. However, a Category S car can be repaired and put back into a roadworthy condition and used on the road again, provided it passes an inspection by an accredited engineer. Depending on the parts used for repairs, the DVLA may issue a new registration number for the car, starting with the letter Q.

If you are considering buying a Cat S car, its important to have it thoroughly checked by a third party such as the RAC or the AA before making a purchase. Additionally, if you buy back a written-off Cat S vehicle from your insurer, you may have to take a smaller insurance payout or none at all. Its also crucial to inform your insurance company that the car is a Cat S, as it may need to be noted on your policy to avoid potential issues with future claims.

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