what is cat s repaired

what is cat s repaired

1 year ago 41

A Cat S car is a vehicle that has suffered structural damage, but is still deemed to be repairable. Structural damage refers to damage to integral parts of the cars structure, such as the chassis and suspension. Although Cat S cars can be repaired and put back on the road, they must pass an inspection by an accredited engineer and be re-registered with the DVLA beforehand. Depending on what parts have been used to carry out repairs, the DVLA may issue a new registration number for the car, which will start with the letter ‘Q’. It is important to note that even if a Cat S car is repaired, its salvage category remains with the vehicle for life, which reduces its appeal for many drivers and makes it worth less when it comes to selling it on. Insuring a Cat S car is possible, but it is considered high risk in the eyes of car insurers, and their previous and present conditions are uncertain.

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