what is cbd disease

what is cbd disease

1 year ago 123

CBD disease, or corticobasal degeneration (CBD), is a rare neurological disease that causes progressive brain degeneration. It is a form of frontotemporal degeneration, a dementia that involves the loss of cognitive functions such as the ability to think, remember, or reason to the point that it interferes with a persons daily life and activities. CBD primarily affects the cerebral cortex (the outer part of the brain) and the basal ganglia (structures deep within the brain that are involved with movement) . The symptoms of CBD get gradually worse over time and can include difficulty controlling limbs, muscle stiffness, shaking, jerky movements, and spasms, problems with balance and coordination, speech and swallowing difficulties, and worsening dementia. There is no single test for CBD, and the diagnosis is based on the pattern of symptoms. Doctors will try to rule out other conditions that can cause similar symptoms, such as Parkinson's disease or a stroke. A brain scan may be necessary to look for other possible causes of the symptoms.

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