A chain of command is an organizational structure that documents how each member of a company reports to one another. It is a series of positions of authority or rank within an organization that are ordered from lowest to highest. The chain of command is used to tell employees who they should report to and when they should consult their supervisor or another manager for things like project decisions and passing information. It is generally representative of a time when the world of work was far more mechanical and habitual with less information communication. Today, organizations are more agile and liberal, jobs are less rigidly defined, and organizations are beginning to adapt to these changes.
The chain of command is a structure that dictates how decisions are made, who is in charge, and which tasks need to be completed. It is an essential component of any large business or organization because it allows everyone to stay informed and organized. Having a clearly established chain of command helps with decision-making and problem-solving within an organization. When everyone knows who is responsible for the different areas of your business, there is less confusion over who should make a particular decision or take responsibility for specific tasks.
The chain of command is also used in the military to ensure that each individual receives instructions for a particular task from only one supervisor. It is an authority and accountability chain from the highest office or position within the chain to the lowest element. The chain of command assists commanders at all levels to achieve their primary function of accomplishing the organization or unit’s assigned mission while caring for personnel and property in their charge.