what is cheers in german

what is cheers in german

1 year ago 38

There are several ways to say "cheers" in German, and the most common one is "prost". "Prost" means "to life" or "to health" and is used in any circumstance. Another common way to say "cheers" in German is "zum Wohl," which means "to your health" and is often used in formal settings such as business dinners or weddings. "Gesundheit" is another word that can be used in a toast, and it means "health". Here are some other ways to say "cheers" in German:

  • "Auf dein Wohl" - This phrase means "to your well-being" and is less frequently used.
  • "Prost Mahlzeit" - This phrase is used before a meal and means "enjoy your meal".
  • "Zum Wohlsein" - This phrase means "to well-being" and is a more formal way to say "cheers".
  • "Hoch die Tassen" - This phrase means "raise your glasses" and is a more informal way to say "cheers".
  • "Trinken wir auf das Leben" - This phrase means "lets drink to life" and is a more poetic way to say "cheers".

Its important to note that in German culture, its customary to make eye contact with each person in the group and toast before taking a sip. Knowing these phrases and customs can help you sound like a true native speaker and enjoy the German drinking culture to the fullest.

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