The most common way to say "Cheers" in Spanish is "¡Salud!" which means "To your health!". Other ways to say "Cheers" in Spanish include:
¡Chinchín!: This is a fun and informal way to say "Cheers" in Spanish. It is pronounced as "chin-chin" and is commonly used in Spain.
¡Arriba, abajo, al centro y pa dentro!: This is an informal way to say "Cheers" in Spanish that is not considered disrespectful, but it is not recommended to be used in business meals. It is pronounced as "ah-ree-bah, ah-bah-hoh, ahl-sen-troh ee pah den-troh".
¡Por el ojomeneado!: This is a silly version of "To the honoree" that sounds almost like "homenajeado" but actually means "mad-eye". It is not a common way to say "Cheers" in Spanish, but it can be used in very informal situations.
It is important to note that drinking etiquette and saying "Cheers" in Spanish may vary depending on the country and the situation.