what is chemistry

what is chemistry

1 year ago 38

Chemistry is the scientific study of matter, its properties, composition, and structure, and how it changes and interacts with energy/01%3A_Introduction_to_Chemistry/1.01%3A_What_is_Chemistry). It is a physical science that covers the elements that make up matter, from the core of the Earth to the farthest reaches of the universe. Chemistry is a broad field that encompasses various areas of specialization or sub-disciplines, such as physical chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, and more.

Here are some key points about chemistry:

  • Qualitative and Quantitative: The study of chemistry spans the range from qualitative in focus to quantitative. The more qualitative chemist might work on synthesizing a new compound used in medicine, for example, while the more quantitative work can seem much like physics applied to the microscopic level of atoms and molecules.

  • Everywhere: Chemicals are everywhere and are everything. Anything you can touch or smell or see contains one or more chemicals. Many occur naturally, but some are man-made.

  • Discovery: Chemists discover naturally occurring chemicals and also make new ones never seen before. They study the properties of natural and man-made chemicals, which is used to understand how some chemicals may be modified to make them more useful, and they develop the methods to make the modifications.

  • Improves our World: Advancements in the field of chemistry have brought about major improvements in our world. Improvements range from new medicines that cure disease, to new materials that make us safer and stronger, to new technologies that help us communicate and travel more efficiently.

Chemistry is a fascinating subject that has existed since ancient times and continues to evolve. It is used frequently for economic purposes in the chemical industry.

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