Chromatic can have different meanings depending on the context. Here are some of the most common definitions:
Chromatic scale: In music, the chromatic scale is a set of twelve pitches used in tonal music, with notes separated by the interval of a semitone. It covers all twelve available pitches and is made up entirely of successive half steps, the smallest interval in Western music.
Chromaticism: In music theory, chromaticism refers to the use of pitches outside of the diatonic scale, which is the set of seven pitches used in most Western music. Chromaticism can be used to add color and tension to music.
Color: In art and design, chromatic can refer to color or color phenomena or sensations. For example, a painting can be described as "strikingly chromatic" if it uses a wide range of colors.
Visual testing & review tool: Chromatic is also the name of a visual testing and review tool for web user interfaces. It automates tasks such as component development, testing, review, and documentation, and integrates with Git and CI tooling to save time and reduce manual work.
Related to the chromatic scale: In general, chromatic can mean related to or giving all the tones of the chromatic scale. For example, a piece of music can be described as "chromatic" if it uses all twelve pitches of the chromatic scale.
In summary, chromatic can refer to music, color, or a visual testing tool, and is often related to the chromatic scale or the use of pitches outside of the diatonic scale.