what is citizenship education

what is citizenship education

1 year ago 120

Citizenship education is a school subject that develops knowledge, skills, and understanding that pupils need to play a full part in democratic society, as active and responsible citizens. It is taught in schools as an academic subject similar to politics or sociology). Citizenship education involves developing the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enable people to make their own decisions and to take responsibility for their own lives and communities. The purpose of "active citizenship" is to teach students to work together and take practical action, using their citizenship knowledge and understanding to contribute to a better society). The different names for the subject reflect the different approaches towards citizenship education adopted in different countries, often a consequence of the unique historical and political developments within different countries).

Citizenship education seeks to cut across all subject areas, integrating many skills and competencies that will benefit students throughout their lives as individuals, community members, citizens, and professionals. It involves developing political literacy alongside the skills of active citizenship through practical opportunities to address issues of concern by taking different forms of responsible, democratic action and campaigning. Throughout the subject, teaching is brought to life using real, topical issues and case studies in local to global contexts.

In summary, citizenship education is a school subject that aims to develop knowledge, skills, and understanding that pupils need to play a full part in democratic society, as active and responsible citizens. It involves developing political literacy and the skills of active citizenship through practical opportunities to address issues of concern by taking different forms of responsible, democratic action and campaigning.

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