what is classification of data in statistics

what is classification of data in statistics

1 year ago 42

Classification of data in statistics is the process of organizing data into categories or classes with similar or homogeneous characteristics. The collected data, also known as raw data or ungrouped data, is usually in an unorganized form and requires to be organized and displayed in a meaningful and readily understandable form to help further statistical analysis. The classification of statistical data is done after considering the scope, nature, and purpose of an investigation and is generally done on four bases: geographical location, chronology, qualitative characteristics, and quantitative characteristics.

The main objectives of classification of data are to explain similarities and differences of data, simplify and condense data’s mass, facilitate comparisons, study the relationship, prepare data for tabular presentation, and present a mental picture of the data.

The different bases of classification of statistical information are:

  1. Geographical Classification: In this type of classification, data is classified according to geographical location or region.
  2. Chronological Classification: In this type of classification, data is classified according to time or period.
  3. Qualitative Classification: In this type of classification, data is classified according to qualitative characteristics such as color, shape, texture, etc. .
  4. Quantitative Classification: In this type of classification, data is classified according to quantitative characteristics such as height, weight, age, income, etc. .

Data classification is important for data security teams to identify data that needs to be protected and to ensure that data is handled appropriately according to its classification. A well-planned data classification system makes essential data easy to find and retrieve. Once a data classification scheme is created, security standards should be identified that specify appropriate handling practices for each category.

In summary, classification of data in statistics is the process of organizing data into categories or classes with similar or homogeneous characteristics. The classification of statistical data is done after considering the scope, nature, and purpose of an investigation and is generally done on four bases: geographical location, chronology, qualitative characteristics, and quantitative characteristics. The main objectives of classification of data are to explain similarities and differences of data, simplify and condense data’s mass, facilitate comparisons, study the relationship, prepare data for tabular presentation, and present a mental picture of the data.

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