what is clear gas

what is clear gas

1 year ago 45

Clear gas, also known as non-ethanol gas, is gasoline made only from petroleum products and not blended with ethanol or any renewable fuels. Ethanol is an additive made from corn, grasses, sugar cane, and different plants, and it is primarily added to fuels to reduce emissions levels. However, some motors, especially older ones and those with carburetors, may respond better to clear gas and produce more power. Clear gas is often used in recreational/marine engines that can be damaged by the ethanol found in other gasoline blends.

Clear gas is a returning phenomenon, and more gas stations are starting to offer it as an option alongside ethanol blends. However, it is more expensive than ethanol blends, and the more bang-for-your-buck requires more bucks. Clear gas is not necessary for the vast majority of cars, and ethanol blends are suitable for most automobiles.

If you are looking for ethanol-free gas, you can check websites like Pure-Gas to find locations of gas stations that sell non-ethanol gas near you. However, since non-ethanol gas is often harder to come by, you may have to visit several gas stations to find it. It is recommended that you replace gas in your fuel tank every 2-3 weeks to avoid alcohol and water-related engine issues.

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