what is closure property

what is closure property

1 year ago 35

The closure property is a fundamental concept in mathematics that applies to sets and operations. It states that when an operation is performed on any two numbers in a set, the result is another number in the same set. In other words, a set is said to be closed under an operation if the result of the operation on any two elements of the set is also an element of the same set. The closure property is important in many areas of mathematics, including algebra, group theory, and ring theory.

For example, the set of whole numbers is closed under addition and multiplication, but not under subtraction and division. The set of rational numbers is closed under addition, subtraction, and multiplication, but not under division. The set of real numbers is closed under addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

The closure property is a significant property in mathematics as it denotes that the set is complete, and any operation performed on elements within a set produces a result that belongs to the same set. The closure property formula says that a given set with a given operation is closed only when the results of the operation on every pair of numbers from the set are also in the same set.

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