what is cma data

what is cma data

1 year ago 36

CMA Data stands for Credit Monitoring Arrangement Data, which is a financial report used by lending institutions to appraise and analyze the financial position of a company before lending. The Reserve Bank of India has mandated all banks to prepare CMA for lending to large borrowers. CMA Data is required for project loans, term loans, and for working capital limits. The format of CMA Data is generally fixed, and it contains preceding two years actual performance, ongoing year estimated figures, and next five years projections. It contains detailed Profit and Loss Account, Cash Flow Statement, and Ratio Analysis. CMA Data holds immense importance in the loan application and approval process. Lenders rely on this information to assess the viability of granting a loan and determining the terms and conditions associated with it. By analyzing CMA Data, lenders gain insights into the borrower’s financial health, business operations, and repayment capability, allowing them to make informed lending decisions.

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