what is color temperature in lighting

what is color temperature in lighting

1 year ago 34

Color temperature is a way to describe the light appearance provided by a light bulb. It refers to the warmth or coolness of light, with warmer light being more yellow and cooler light being more blue. Color temperature is measured in units of Kelvin (K) and is represented in the unit of absolute temperature. The Kelvin temperature of a light bulb is meant to replicate the Kelvin temperature of a heated metal object, which appears to glow in various colors depending on the temperature.

Different color temperatures are suitable for different applications and can affect the look and feel of a space. For example, warm white light in the 2000K to 3000K range is more flattering to skin tones and clothing, making it popular in living spaces. Soft white light at 2700K is standard for bedrooms and living rooms to create a cozy atmosphere, while cooler light at 3000K or higher is better for areas that require more visual tasks like the kitchen, home office, laundry room, and bathroom. Color temperatures higher than 3500K are typically used for commercial and hospital applications, as the light is bright and has a bluish daylight cast that can be harsh for home interiors.

When choosing the color temperature for a space, it is important to consider the finishes and color palette of each space. Warm white light is suitable for reds, orange, yellow, and wood, while cool white light is better for blues and greys. Mixing color temperatures can create an unbalanced look, so it is best to stick to one color temperature for each space.

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