what is communication address

what is communication address

1 year ago 39

A communication address is an address where someone can reach you personally or by post. It is the address of your home where you are currently residing, and it doesnt have to be your place of origin or your actual home. It could also be the rental home you are currently residing in, and it is just a point of contact. The main purpose of a communication address is to give people or organizations a trustworthy way to communicate with you. Communication addresses can include telephone numbers, facsimile numbers, internet addresses, internet domain names, internet domain name registrations, log-in identifications, user identifications, screen names, and on-line service identifications. In contrast, a permanent address is the address of your initial home, which serves as your home address and is used for identity purposes. It is the address that wont change, and it can be seen on your Aadhaar card.

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