what is community

what is community

1 year ago 61

A community is a social unit with a shared socially significant characteristic, such as place, set of norms, culture, religion, values, customs, or identity. It can be a group of people living near one another who interact socially, and who are connected to each other by relatively durable social relations that extend beyond immediate genealogical ties. A community is not a place, a building, or an organization, nor is it an exchange of information over the internet. Members of a community have a sense of trust, belonging, safety, and caring for each other, and they have an individual and collective sense that they can influence their environments and each other. In biology, a community is an interacting group of various species in a common location. The various species in a community each occupy their own ecological niche, and the niche of a species includes all of its interactions with other members of the community, including competition, predation, parasitism, and mutualism.

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