what is composition

what is composition

1 year ago 88

Composition can refer to various things depending on the context. In general, it refers to the act or process of creating something by putting different elements together. Here are some examples of how the term "composition" is used:

  • Writing: In the context of writing, composition refers to the way a writer assembles words and sentences to create a piece of writing. It can also describe the final product of a composed linguistic work, which can be print or digital, alphanumeric or multimodal).

  • Music: In music, composition refers to the collection of notes, melodies, phrases, rhythms, lyrics, and/or harmonies that make up a musical work. The term "composition" typically refers to an instrumental musical piece, while the term "song" usually applies to musical works accompanied by lyrics.

  • Art: In art, composition refers to the way the elements of a work of art are arranged. For example, an abstract painting can have an interesting composition.

  • Science: In science, composition refers to what something is made of. For example, geologists study the composition of the earth: what its made of and how it formed.

In summary, composition is a term that can refer to the act or process of creating something by putting different elements together, and it can be used in various contexts such as writing, music, art, and science.

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