what is compost used for

what is compost used for

1 year ago 30

Compost is a nutrient-rich soil amendment or mulch that is created through the natural process of recycling organic matter, such as leaves and food scraps, into a valuable fertilizer that can enrich soil and plants. Composting is a controlled, aerobic process that converts organic materials into a nutrient-rich soil amendment or mulch through natural decomposition. The resulting decomposed matter, which often ends up looking like fertile garden soil, is called compost. Compost can be used for gardening, horticulture, and agriculture, and is an essential tool for improving large-scale agricultural systems.

Here are some of the benefits of composting and using compost:

  • Reduces waste: Composting is a great way to recycle the organic waste we generate at home, reducing the volume of materials that might otherwise be disposed of in landfills or trash incinerators.

  • Improves soil quality: Compost aids in the retention of moisture and nutrients in the soil, breaks up compacted soil, and helps to reduce the risk of erosion. It also improves plant growth by helping to break heavy clay soils into a better texture, by adding water and nutrient-holding capacity to sandy soils, and by adding essential nutrients to any soil.

  • Reduces greenhouse gas emissions: Composting reduces landfill methane emissions and reduces our carbon impact.

  • Conserves landfill space: Composting conserves valuable landfill space normally used to dispose of organic material.

  • Reduces the incidence of plant diseases and pests: Composting, in general, improves soil quality, helps soil retain moisture, and reduces the incidence of plant diseases and pests.

Compost can be used as a soil amendment or as a mulch. As a soil amendment, mix in two to four inches of compost to the top six to nine inches of soil. Compost can also be used in the garden as a top dressing or mulch throughout the summer[[3]](https://portal.ct.gov/DEEP/Waste-Management-and-Dis...

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