A computer is an electronic device that can manipulate information or data by performing sequences of arithmetic or logical operations automatically. It has the ability to store, retrieve, and process data, and can perform a wide range of tasks through the use of programs. A computer system includes the hardware, operating system, and peripheral equipment needed for full operation. The hardware of a computer system consists of at least one processing element, typically a central processing unit (CPU) in the form of a microprocessor, along with some type of computer memory, typically semiconductor memory chips. The software of a computer system includes programs, which are sets of instructions that tell the computer what to do. Computers come in many shapes and sizes, and they perform many different functions in our daily lives. They can be used for typing documents, sending email, playing games, browsing the web, editing or creating spreadsheets, presentations, videos, and much more. There are different types of computers, including desktop computers, laptop computers, netbooks, and personal computers (PCs) . A computer network is a system that connects two or more computing devices for transmitting and sharing information. Computer networking is the branch of computer science that deals with the ideation, architecture, creation, maintenance, and security of computer networks.