what is computer hacking

what is computer hacking

1 year ago 33

Computer hacking is the act of identifying and exploiting weaknesses in a computer system or network, usually to gain unauthorized access to personal or organizational data. Hacking is not always a malicious act, but it is most commonly associated with illegal activity and data theft by cybercriminals. In the early days of computer hacking, hackers were seen as technology experts whose main motivation was to customize and optimize. However, as cybercrime evolved and became more complex and widespread, hacking became mostly associated with malicious activities.

Hackers may be motivated by a variety of reasons, including financial gain, political activism, or personal challenge. Some hackers endeavor to strengthen security mechanisms by exploring their weaknesses, while others seek to access secure, unauthorized information despite security measures. The computer underground has produced its own specialized slang, such as 1337speak, and writing software and performing other activities to support these views is referred to as hacktivism.

Common hacking techniques include social engineering, malvertising, and attempting to break into computers and networks for any of four reasons: criminal financial gain, espionage, hacktivism, and cyber warfare. The dangers of hacking include the unauthorized access to personal or organizational data, the installation of dangerous malware without the users knowledge or consent, and the theft of usernames and passwords.

In summary, computer hacking is the unauthorized act of accessing computer systems to steal, modify, or destroy data. It is a complex and evolving field that can have serious consequences for individuals and organizations alike.

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