To conform means to act according to or be obedient to a rule or norm. It can also mean to be similar or identical, or to be in agreement or harmony. Here are some additional definitions and examples of the word "conform" from various sources:
- To behave according to the usual standards of behavior that are expected by a group or society.
- To adapt to fit in with new conditions.
- To be or become the same or similar.
- To bring into harmony or agreement; adapt.
- To make the same or similar.
- To act in accordance with prevailing standards or customs.
Examples of the word "conform" in use include:
- "Most teenagers feel pressure to conform".
- "The pressure to conform to societal standards might end up being a hindrance to our mental health".
- "At our school, you were required to conform, and there was no place for originality".
- "The lamp has been designed to conform to new safety standards".
- "A computer that conforms with the manufacturers advertising claims; students learning to conform to school safety rules".
In summary, "conform" means to act in accordance with a rule or norm, or to be similar or in agreement with something else.