what is continental food

what is continental food

1 year ago 40

Continental food refers to the delicacies consumed in European countries, particularly the Mediterranean and French cuisine. The staple ingredients of this cuisine are olive oil, wine, garlic, and various herbs and spices to season and add flavor to the dishes. Continental food is prepared by cooking methods such as stewing, grilling, and roasting, and the majority of the dishes are cooked with the stewing method. The following are some of the meals in continental cuisine:

  • Breakfast: Breakfast is the heaviest meal in the continental cuisine with an assortment of bread, cold meats, jam, pastries, butter, eggs, and hot or cold beverages.

  • Lunch: Lunch is usually lighter than breakfast and includes salads, sandwiches, and soups.

  • Dinner: Dinner is the main meal of the day and includes meat, fish, and vegetables.

Some of the common continental dishes include batter fish, chickpea soup, roast turkey with cranberry sauce, honey roast chicken, smoked kidney bean salad, and apple sauce. Continental food is high in protein as it consists of meat and eggs. The food is prepared by cooking methods of stewing, grilling, and roasting, and thus is low in calories. One of the main foods of continental cuisine is fish that is high in Omega-3 fatty acids.

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