Convection roast is a cooking mode that is best for cooking tender cuts of beef, lamb, pork, and poultry when cooking speed is desired. This mode uses both a fan and a heating element to circulate hot air around the food to create an evenly heated environment. The air is heated by the broil element while the fan circulates it throughout the ovens interior. The circulation adjusts to maintain a consistent temperature throughout the oven, and both stagnant and circulating hot air are employed to brown the food. When roasting, the oven is kept at a higher temperature, around 400 degrees Fahrenheit, to achieve the perfect browning. Preheating is not necessary when roasting foods using convection roast, and since it cooks faster, reduce cook times by 25% from the recommended time on your recipe. It is recommended that you do not cover foods when dry roasting since this may prevent the meat from browning properly.