Conversation is an interactive communication between two or more people. It is an important part of socialization and involves the development of conversational skills and etiquette. There is no generally accepted definition of conversation beyond the fact that it involves at least two people talking together. However, some properties of conversation include:
- It is an informal exchange of information.
- It is symmetric, meaning that each party desires a relatively equal exchange of information.
- It is for the purposes of establishing and maintaining social ties.
Conversations may be ideal when each party desires a relatively equal exchange of information or when the parties desire to build social ties. However, if permanency or the ability to review such information is important, written communication may be ideal.
According to Paul Pangaro, each participant in a conversation is a "learning system" that changes internally as a consequence of experience. Conversation is the means by which existing knowledge is conveyed and new knowledge is generated.
In summary, conversation is an informal, usually private, talk in which two or more people exchange thoughts, feelings, or ideas, or in which news or information is given or discussed. It is a means of establishing and maintaining social ties and exchanging information.